Today: 18th January 2025

Malta is a Southern European island nation in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Sicily (Italy) and close to Tunisia and Libya. The small country is home to a population of just over 500,000 people.

Malta belonged to the British Empire from 1814 from 1964. During that time, the British imposed the use of English as an official language. And it still is, alongside Maltese: Roughly 90% of the population speak English, and Malta is a popular destination for students seeking English language courses.

Although a small country, Malta is home to a number of higher education institutions where students can study for degrees in English; for example:

  • The University of Malta, the country’s largest institution with roughly 11,000 students.
  • The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), a vocational college that also offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
  • Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, which focuses on Computing and Commerce/Business and awards its Bachelor’s degrees jointly with the University of London as an Affiliated Institution.
Universities in Malta

The Maltese islands are home to a remarkable cultural mixture between the ancient and the modern. Although the country harbours one of the oldest universities in the Mediterranean, the higher education system is future-oriented and blends tradition with innovation.

Due to the size of Malta, there is only one university and one vocational college made up of a number of individual institutions. However, they both have a good international reputation. About 600 full-time international students and about 500 exchange and transfer students come every year to Malta from about 80 different countries. The country maintains partnerships and links with education institutions all over the world.

Why study in Malta?

1. It’s free for EU/EEA students

If you’re from the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and want to study at the University of Malta — the only public education institution — you don’t have to pay any tuition fees for most academic programmes. However, there are exceptions (some courses in Business, Culinary Arts, and others).

2. English is an official language

If you’re worried about language barriers or you wouldn’t feel comfortable learning another language, rejoice! You don’t have to! English is an official language in Malta, being widely spoken by almost all citizens.

So, whether you want to ask for directions, find a missing item on your grocery list at the supermarket, or travel around, you’ll always be able to ask for help and communicate with ease.

3. Malta is a paradise for sports and outdoor enthusiasts

Malta offers an incredibly wide range of activities for people who enjoy being active, travelling, and pushing themselves. In your spare time, feel free to try any of the following adrenaline-spiking activities: hiking, water sports, rock climbing, scuba diving, flyboarding, etc.

Not interested in any of these? Then, simply relax on the beach, enjoy the warmth of the sun, and the breeze of the sea.

Study programmes in Malta

Degrees are awarded in subjects like Arts, Science and Technology, Health Sciences, Economics, Management, Education, Engineering, Law and more. The students enrol in full-time or part-time study programmes.

The courses offered are relevant and up to date with the needs of the country. The courses are offered at diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level. Most Bachelor degree courses run for three years, while most Masters may be completed in 2 years. In order to maximize course efficiency, some courses are held once every two years.

Vocational and professional training is also available. Different institutes teach full-time students or part-time students who also hold a job and require specialized training.

Basic Foundation Study Courses enable international high school students who do not have the necessary entry requirements, to qualify for admission to an undergraduate degree course in Malta.

A popular English-language university in the country is the American University in Malta.

General application procedure
  • Find the academic programme you want to study
  • Check if you meet the minimum entry requirements
  • Pay the application fee (if applicable)
  • Submit your documents (translated into English)
  • The Students’ Advisory Services are available for advice and information to prospective students
  • Attend information meeting for Prospective Applicants
  • Apply for scholarships, if available

Contact the International student office for more information about program application and requirements.

English language preparation for studying in Malta

Develop your academic English language skills in order to meet the English language requirements at Maltese universities offering degree studies for international students. Choose an English language school anywhere in the world and pick your preferred English exam preparation course from diverse language course options.

Universities in Malta will want to see proof that you have good English-language skills, so that you can easily succeed in their English-taught courses. Universities accept these official English exams:

Living in Malta

Let’s take a closer look at tuition and living expenses in Malta:

Tuition fees

If you want to study in Malta, how much you need to pay depends on:

  • your nationality
  • the type of university (public vs private)
  • the type of programme (arts-based, science-based, business-related)

At public universities, for example, international citizens encounter these situations:

  • 0 EUR/year for EU/EEA students
  • between 9,000–27,000 EUR/year for EU/EEA students for specialised programmes (e.g. MBA, Culinary Arts)
  • between 2,000–31,000 EUR/year for non-EU/EEA students

Science-based and business-related programmes are the most expensive. At private universities, tuitions fees are even higher.

Living costs in Malta

Depending on your lifestyle, type of accommodation, and whether you live alone or with other students, your monthly living costs in Malta can reach between 500 and 800 EUR.

Here’s a breakdown of average living expenses in Malta:

  • accommodation (university residence halls): prices vary, but it’s cheaper than renting a flat
  • accommodation (privately rented flat): 700–1,500 EUR/month
  • utilities (if you rent a flat): 90–120 EUR/month
  • food and groceries: 150–250 EUR/month
  • monthly transport pass: 26 EUR; students might get a discount
  • three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant: 60 EUR
  • 1 loaf of bread: 1.15 EUR
  • 1 litre of milk: 1 EUR
  • 1 kg of apples: 2.60 EUR
  • 1 kg of bananas: 1.85 EUR
  • 1 cappuccino: 2.20 EUR
About Malta

Malta, or the Republic of Malta, is a small European state, comprising an archipelago of seven islands, making it an island nation. Situated in Southern Europe, it is located in the Mediterranean Sea, giving the country a warm, Mediterranean climate. To the island’s west is Tunisia and south is Libya. The nation’s capital city is Valletta.

Historically, Malta has been considered a crucial strategic location due ito its position in the Mediterranean Sea. It was held by several ancient cultures including Sicilians, Romans, Phoenicians, Byzantines and others. The island is commonly associated with the Knights Hospitaller who ruled it.

The country’s official languages are Maltese and English, although there are inhabitants who speak Italian on the islands. Malta gained independence from Britain in 1964 and is currently a member of the European Union, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations.

Over the years, the Maltese economy has focused towards a service-oriented industry. Steady growth has been registered in the development of financial, Information and Communication Technology and tourism services.

Malta’s climate is typical of the Mediterranean; sunny and with hot, dry summers, warm and sporadically wet autumns, and short, cool winters with adequate rainfall. Although mild, winters are generally damp and rainy with occasionally short chilly periods.

Universities, colleges and schools in Malta

Birkirkara (1)

Msida (1)

San Giljan (1)

Ta’ Xbiex (1)

Interested in scholarships for Malta? Check out our scholarship search page.

Student visas for Malta

Are you from United Kingdom? You might need a student visa…

…But, well, you see, our army of scientist monkeys didn’t finish the student visa research for Malta yet!

Don’t worry, everything is ok. We’re on it, and we’re doing all we can to make your search for the right international degree in Malta a little easier and more enjoyable.

Still, you can always beat us to the punch and:

  • Check if you really need a student visa. Usually, if you are an EU-national and want to study in another EU country, you won’t need a visa. Some other non-EU countries may also be exempt from an entry visa, at least for an initial duration;
  • Start accessing the websites of the embassy and consulate, in order to get a general picture of the whole “visa-application” thing;
  • Check the deadlines and figure out how much time you’ll have to wait for your visa. You wouldn’t want miss studying abroad from this silly mistake of bad planning;
  • Go on a scavenger hunt and collect all the documents you will need. Remember, you can find the list on the embassy’s website;
  • Start saving up money, as some applications might require you to have proof of minimum funds;
  • Brush up on your English skills. Even if this is not always a visa requirement, it will help you a lot to succeed during your university studies.
Work permits for Malta

Because United Kingdom is part of the EU/EEA region (and because it’s so popular and well-liked), you won’t need to prepare and apply for a work permit.

Of course, you will still have to check some documents and arrange a bit for your stay after finishing your studies in Malta, so remember to check out:

  • Residence permits: you may have to renew, change, or apply for one, so don’t be shy and go and ask the local authorities what documents and what requirements you need to meet to stay and work in Malta;
  • An actual place to live: if you live in a university dorm, you will have to move out, or if you rented, you should tell your landlord you will be staying a while longer;
  • Read about taxes: you will have to understand how and why Malta will take a percentage of your salary. Ask around and read how it works, so you wouldn’t be taken by surprise.

Now that you know what to prepare, go and take care of everything! Don’t wait any longer: your adult life is starting, and you want to be as ready for it as possible.

We’re happy we helped you this far and we hope you will have the time of your life. Good luck!

How to Apply to a Master’s in Malta

If you’ve decided to study a Master’s degree at a university in Malta, you will have to gather

the right documents to prove that you fit the university requirements. Provide complete personal information, previous qualifications, financial information, and a personal statement.

What documents do I need to provide to apply in Malta?

To apply to a university in Malta you will likely be asked to provide some of the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • recent photos;
  • your passport or national identity card;
  • one or more reference letters from past employers or teachers;
  • copies of past diplomas or certificates, including your graduated Bachelor’s degree;
  • academic transcripts;
  • letter of intent;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Some form of proof that you can support your stay in the country during your studies.

Depending on the subject or specialization of your chosen Master’s, you might also be asked to provide scores for additional tests like the GRE, GMAT or LSAT. Check if your programme requires any of these, or others.

The list of documents depends on the specific requirements of universities in Malta so you might be asked to include additional documents. It’s also likely you’ll have to provide official English translations of your documents, or translations in the local language.

Prove your English skills

Because you’ll study an international degree in English, you’ll have to present a language certificate. Some popular options for international students are IELTS, TOEFL or C1 Advanced language certificates. You’ll have to meet a minimum language score set by the university, and your test scores shouldn’t be older than 1-2 years. If you don’t meet the minimum language requirements, you will have to improve your skills and scores by taking an English preparation course.

Application deadlines for Malta

The deadlines for applying to a Master’s in Malta are usually during summer (June-July), or in winter (January-February). Keep in mind that some universities don’t have application deadlines, which means you can apply whenever you are ready.

To avoid delays or missed deadlines send your required documents with plenty of time in advance.

Studying for a UK degree in Malta Studying for a UK degree in Malta

In Malta, you’ll find many great opportunities to study for a UK degree. So if you have caring, job or family commitments that prevent you from travelling to the United Kingdom, you can still gain your dream qualification.

These Transnational Education (or TNE) courses are designed, delivered, and quality-assured to the UK’s own rigorous standards and each leads to a UK degree.

They can provide a pathway to the United Kingdom at a later date, either to continue your studies or to work, and you’re sure to benefit from their strong links with both UK and international business (just one of the reasons that graduates with UK degrees are among the most employable in the world). You may also find that studying for a UK TNE degree in Malta is more affordable than studying in the UK itself.


You can apply to study for a UK-awarded undergraduate TNE programme in Malta if you have completed one of following qualifications:

For undergraduate courses:

  • Diploma (MQF5)
  • Advanced or Intermediate level (MQF4) in subjects relevant to the course
  • GCE A-Levels
  • International Baccalaureate diploma

For postgraduate courses:

  • A qualification at undergraduate level (MQF6)

The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) assists in making the Maltese qualifications system easier to understand and review, and more transparent at a national and international level. The Malta Qualifications Framework is also a referencing tool that helps to describe and compare both national and foreign qualifications to promote quality, transparency and mobility of qualifications in all types of education. It is mainly referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as well as to other non-European qualifications frameworks. Have a look at Malta Further and Higher Education Authority website for more information about Malta Qualifications Framework.

In addition, you must have evidence of English language proficiency, such as IELTS.

There may also be additional requirements depending on the course you choose. So we always advise you to check with the UK university that will be awarding your degree, and with the partner institution in Malta where you will be studying.

Students from non-EU Countries

If you live in a non-EU country, you need a student visa to study in Malta. These can be issued by a Maltese Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in your home country.

For more information about student visas, please visit the Identity Malta homepage.

Which degree should I choose?

Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees

With such a variety of UK degrees on offer, you’re certain to find a course that’s right for you.

Every year, graduates in Malta complete their studies in subjects ranging from MBAs to degrees in Human Resources Management. And each is awarded their prestigious degree from a UK university.

For a comprehensive list of UK degrees that you can study for, visit the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority website.

For more information, we advise that you contact your chosen institution in Malta and enquire about its partnerships with UK universities.

Studying online

Depending on your work and home commitments, you may choose to study for your degree online.

There are a number of these programmes available in Malta which offer the same high standards of UK teaching and the same prestigious qualifications, while allowing for a greater amount of flexibility and schedules that may better suit your needs.

For more information, we advise contacting your preferred UK University as well as the partnering institution in Malta.

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